Roof Cleaning in, Swindon

Pre-roof cleaning in Highworth, Swindon
roof to be cleaned in Highworth, Swindon

So here we have an image of a tired old roof that we had the opportunity to go out a breathe a bit of life into last week. In the image you can see that the roof tiles are old and stained with moss sat on them and broken in places.

We decided to tackle this clean by first removing the bulk of the moss from the tiles. This revealed the full extent of the damage to one roof tile that we advised the owner should be replaced. We then used a low pressure, hot water/steam clean to kill the biofilm on the tiles and also gently bring back some colour to the tiles by removing remaining dirt and moss on the tile. That left us with this as a result.

post roof cleaning in Highworth
Highworth, Swindon, Roof cleaned

In the image above you can see that the owners property is semi detached and so we had to stop the clean at the boundary of the property. You cansee a clear difference between the cleaned tiles and the tiles on the neighbours property. Because the home owner had a pond we used a enviromentally safe cleaner which we applied to the roof tiles after cleaning to kill any remaining biofilm on the tiles and provide some residual protection to them. All in all, a very satisfying roof clean. For more information about our roof cleaning services, please look here.

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